Welcome to Board Gaming!

Quite possibly the GREATEST and HEALTHYIST Hobby in the World!

This New World is NOT Monopoly

Hey, you may love Monopoly, Clue, Life, Sorry, etc. And I did too the first few times I played them as a kid.

But those games really only provided a way to get together as a family, and offered much less in terms of engaging decision making, creativity or real choices. 

Until I discovered modern Board Games. And it BLEW MY MIND! 

Modern Board Games

There are so many incredibly fun, engaging games, with meaningful decisions. THere are types of games for every person:

Deck Building games, Dueling games, Economic games, Deduction games, Eurogames, Area Control games, Engine Building games, Abstract games, to name just a few of the popular types of Modern Gaming mechanics.

Pictured here is Wingspan by Stonemaier Games. Ahugely popular modern Board Game where you attract birds into your habitat.  

Business Insider on Board Game Benefits


Playing board games (over other types of games) helps strengthen the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in children’s developing brains, which leads to improved cognitive functions such as problem-solving, logic, reason, memory, planning, attention, and IQ.

- Neha Shivhare and David Kaufman, Business Insider

Mental Benefits of Playing Board Games

Board Games make us better people. Sound ridiculous? Here’s some evidence. This list is based on Connie Stemmle’s March 9, 2023 post.

Reducing Screen Time

Get off those screens. Board Games give us a chance to play and intereact with Games in a tactile and physical environment. Board Games are a great opportunity for kids and adults to engage without screens.

Social Connections

You can play with family, friends, and even strangers. Games give us a structure where we can compete safely while having fun and work cooperatively toward a common goal.  

Creating Great Memories

Laughter, creative problem solving, and any emotions that come out of playing together can bond us together through active memories and interactions that TV and video games can’t compete with.

Teaching Tools

According to Business Insider, specifically playing board games (over other types of games) helps strengthen the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in children’s developing brains, which leads to improved cognitive functions such as problem-solving, logic, reason, memory, planning, attention, and IQ.

Reducing Stress

A 2017 study on stress management revealed that the fight-or-flight response–the body’s natural response to stress–can be safely exercised and regulated within the sophisticated framework of playing certain board games.

Increasing Cognitive Function

Researchers have found that those who played more games later in life had better cognitive function in areas including memory, thinking speed, problem solving, and general cognitive ability than those who didn’t engage in game playing.

Making Socialization Easy

Interacting with other people as you’re playing a structured game can help you develop and refine your social skills without resistance. Playing board games offers people a way to interact with a group without having the pressure of coming up with things to talk about.

Increasing Confidence

Each time you make a decision while playing a board game, you’re building your faith in your own abilities. As you get used to making quick decisions, you also gain skills that you can use in the real world, such as being confident in making a choice when you’re under pressure.


Board Games are JUST FUN! They are a benefit in and of themselves just because they are fun. Even SOLO GAMES, which don’t have social interaction can really just give you a great time, playing in a world of imagination.

Game Recommendations for New Gamers

Many of these are “Gateway Games” that help smooth the transition into more complex games.

Ticket to Ride

This game sits beautifully between simplicity and complexity. It's popular, widely available, and accessible to learn. This is possibly the most popular recommendation for a Gateway Game.


I've outgrown it, but this was the first modern board game I played and is how many enter the hobby. If you've already played it an don't love it, you're in good company. But it is one of the most widely available gateway games.


A beautiful and relaxing Tile-Laying Game with simple rules and strategic depth. It's one of my all time favorites of all times. (Did I mention all times?)


This game sits beautifully between simplicity and complexity. It's popular, widely available, and accessible to learn. This is possibly the most popular recommendation for a Gateway Game.


This is not one of my favorites, but its still quite fun. Cooperative deduction is a great mechanic, and it might even blow your mind.


A beautiful and simple game where players use gorgeous cards to fit into a category or story provided by a 'storyteller'. This position shifts each round.

Star Realms

This was my first deckbuilding game. It's great fun, and the space theme is nice too. See the next game Dominion for a similar concept, but a different theme.


The first deckbuilding game. So much replayability and strategic depth. Make sure to start with the base game (not an expansion) and the 2nd Edition.

Quacks of Quedlinberg

This game is all about pushing-your-luck in a safe and fun way. It's an absolute family favorite. Always a fun time for us.

Games are Healthy!


Playing games can be seen as one facet in a healthy lifestyle that consists of other behavioral modifications a person can make, such as getting more exercise, not smoking, not drinking to excess, and eating healthier foods [all of which] might be beneficial for healthy cognitive aging.

- Drew M. Altschul, PhD, a research fellow in cognitive epidemiology, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Things I Love in Board Games

Here are some of the things I like best in Board Games

Tactile Gaming

Tactile Gaming

I love physically interacting with game components! Get me off that screen and onto the table!

Themes & Worlds

Themes & Worlds

I love diving into creative worlds and even properties like Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc.

Art & Graphic Design

Art & Graphic Design

Modern Board Games are GORGEOUS! It's like intereative modern art to me, and I LOVE look at beatufiul things!



Deckbuilding games start you off with a basic deck of cards that you can make more powerful by 'buying' and adding better cards to your deck.



Eurogames are competitive games that reward collecting points instead of eliminating other players.

Dueling Games

Dueling Games

I play most games with my wife and kids. So games where I can duel my wife and kids while having fun are a win/win.

Puzzle Games

Puzzle Games

Solving puzzles is fun! Make it a creative puzzle I can solve with game pieces and with or against my family: I'm in!

Tactical Wargames

Tactical Wargames

These games sometimes take the concept of the Area Control aspect of Risk, and add so much more in way of tactics, strategies, and worlds.

Abstract Games

Abstract Games

Abstract games are lighter on theme and heavier on solving a puzzle in interesting ways.

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