About Me

I’m a professional Actor, Writer, and Filmmaker who LOVES Board Games

Lincoln Hoppe

I am a working Film and Television actor based in Los Angeles, CA.

See my  IMDb Credits

My original social media channels @LincolnHoppe have seen billions of VIEWS, hundreds of millions of LIKES, and buttloads of SHARES.

Lincoln Hoppe

My Board Game Mission

 My mission to share my love of Board Games with the world.

I have 2 target audiences:

1. To people who already love Board Games

2. To people who don’t yet know they love Board Games.

For most Games, we focus on getting the word out to  people who already love Board Games. It’s focused, targeted, and effective.

But some Games ALSO need to be shared with a larger audience. This all depends on your needs.

Either way, I can help.  


The Game Bard

I create content for Tabletop games. Board Games, Card games, and even some RPGs.

I have a new dedicated board Game channel to specifically reach Board Gamers.


Film Actor & Influencer

I have been a Film & Television actor working in Los Angeles, California for over 20 years.

You might recognize me from some of my work. And some of your possible customers definitely will. 

My original social media channels @LincolnHoppe have seen billions of VIEWS, hundreds of millions of LIKES, and veritable buttloads of SHARES.

I’m know for my clean and wholesome comedy and product content. 

My Loves

Here are some of the things I love when it comes to Board Games

Tactile Gaming

Tactile Gaming

Meeples, coins, tokens, boards, cards, dice. I love interacting with components!

Themes & Worlds

Themes & Worlds

This is what brings me to life and puts me in the Golden CIrcle.

Art & Graphic Design

Art & Graphic Design

When elements work together in harmony, its spectactular!



My gateway genre into games!



Eurogames and wonderful in all their beautiful forms.

Dueling Games

Dueling Games

I play most games with my wife and kids. So duels are an easy way to grab a quick game and go.

Puzzle Games

Puzzle Games

Wheel Throwing

Tactical Wargames

Tactical Wargames

Hand Building

Abstract Games

Abstract Games

I love them. I love when mechanics and theme sing!

Enthusiam and Passion for Gaming


Lincoln is our absolute favorite board game influencer! You feel his enthusiasm and passion for both the gaming world and their creators every time you see him. I would absolutely work with Lincoln again.

- Michael Bartell, Mythify

Happy Clients & Quotes

Aside from  great editing and attention to detail Lincoln puts into his videos, what makes them special is the fact that he really shows how much he cares about board games. His enthusiasm really shines and the calm demeanor in which he speaks really gives them a cozy feel. 

-Alderac Entertainment Group

Lincoln Hoppe brings his acting chops to board games with content that is humorous, engaging, and informative. I'm always looking forward to what he'll come up with next. It piques my curiosity every time. He's a great ambassador for our wonderful hobby. 

-Randy Flynn, Designer: Cascadia

"Lincoln Hoppe, the Game Bard, produces absolutely lovely board game content. His experience as a professional actor and cinematographer aids in the top notch production quality of his videos. His excitement for board games and life in general shines throughout all of his content. Lincoln produces enjoyable, refreshing, and relatable content at a very high quality and I expect he will become a staple of board game media in the near future."

-Christopher Garbett, Allplay

"Lincoln is clearly going to be the next big name in the board game content sphere - his opinions, energy, scripting and editing are all so fantastic. Of all the influencers I've worked with, I felt like he got my game the most and highlighted the most succinctly why other people would enjoy it too. Plus, he's fast and professional. I highly recommend working with him for Kickstarter previews or general reviews!"

-Judson Cowan, Tettix Games (designer of Deep Regrets)

Lincoln is an absolute bubble of energy and pleasure to work with. He creates funny and unique content that really makes your board game shine. If you want players to laugh and to love your game you want Lincoln! A reviewer I will contact again and again!

-Joseph Bugbee, Friendly Bee Game Company

Lincoln's creativity knows no bounds. His reviews and game content are anything but boring!

-Pique Games

Lincoln is the perfect board game enthusiast if you want a review or preview! Lincoln directs his enthusiasm, love for games and camera experience into a good review and video! I fully recommend Lincoln!

-Elwin Klappe, Clash of the Ardennes

Master Hoppe shares our mischievous passion for the “bit different” in gaming. Top bloke, top game reviewer, and through our self-appointed power, we anoint him an honorary Brit for his services to game reviewing. We doff our caps and twirl our UK cloaks in his general direction

-Scott, Time Vault Soccer

Lincoln is our absolute favorite board game influencer! He was one of the first people to identify the unique experience we were attempting and was able to articulate it to others extremely well. His brand videos were loaded with creativity and humor, so much that we used his material and quotes extensively in our marketing. You feel his enthusiasm and passion for both the gaming world and their creators every time you see him. I would absolutely work with Lincoln again, and recommend him to all my colleagues.

-Michael Bartell, Mythify

Lincoln is a ray of comedic sunshine with such a unique flavor on humor. His love for board games is reflected in his insane quality of media he portrays in his photos and videos. His skits are a breath of fresh air in the board game space”
Deshawn Kahn board and shield

-Zeshawn Kahn, Board and Shield

Why do i do it?

 It is my mission to share the love of Board Games with the world.

1. To people who already love board games

2. To people who don’t know they love board games yet.

Both as a hobby, and with SPECIFIC Games. 

On-Camera Charisma

Being on camera is my job! I’m a full-time Actor and Filmmaker in Los Angeles, CA. I bring my filmmaking skills and ability to communicate emotionally to board gamers.

Filmmaking Skills

I use my gear and skills for not only making films in Hollywood, but for spreading the love of Board Games. My cameras, lenses, lights, backgrounds, and gear are available to get the word out about games.

Social Connection

Board Games help us connect to each other; in person at the table with friends and family, and through the magic of media we can connect with like-minded people.

Social Media Savvy

I have over 1 million followers across social media platforms as an actor and comedian.  It’s time to use that influence for board games.

Celebrity Status

As an actor in Hollywood I’ve appeared in over 100 movies and TV shows. A lot more if you count commercials. There’s something familiar about my face, that they feel they can trust. Even if they can’t remember what they know me from.

Spreading the Love

Board Games (and card games, of course) must be shared with the world. They have made me and my family SO HAPPY and I want others to share that love. Whether it be a specific game to board gamers, or the love of the hobby to newcomers.

What i avoid

Young Kids Games

If it’s not recommended for teens and up, I’m not that interested. My youngest child (of 5) is now 16 years old, which means I don’t have young kids to play with anymore.

Very Long Games

If it’s under 3 hours, I’m in. If your game typically lasts over 3 hours, it’s much harder for me to want to play and recommend. There are exceptions, but as a general rule, I prefer games 2-3 hours and under. Campaign games are great, just as long as each session is under 3 hours. 


Games with Poor Art

I’m very easily charmed by good Art and Graphic Design in games. So I’m also naturally biased against bad, cheap, or uninspiring Art. It is understood that PROTOTYPE ART may be temporary, and is not a problem.

Mean People

Sorry. I’m human. I don’t enjoy working with mean people. Life is too short. 

Mean Reviews

I prefer to find the POSITIVE in your game. Even if there’s an element of your game I don’t enjoy which I feel needs to be pointed out, I’m not mean about it.

Games that Don't Interest Me

If I’m not interested in the theme, mechanics, or any part of your game on first glance, I’d prefer to not review it. This helps me keep things positive. However, my first impressions upon seeing a game are not always right! So I’m happy to discuss.

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Lincoln Hoppe Website


Lincoln Hoppe Socials