Land vs Sea: Quick Review

Video Review by Lincoln Hoppe: The Game Bard

I want to share with you a game that I’ve had for some time, but keeps coming back to my table again and again. Land vs Sea.

(this is a transcript of the video review)

It’s aTile Laying game. I love tiling games, so I’m already disposed to like it. But this game is so interesting in the way the base game and the tiles have expansions already on the tiles.

Here’s what you get in the box. You’ve got your rulebook. You’ve got two double sided scoring boards and scoring for different player counts. You’ve got scoring and waypoint tokens. And you’ve got two stacks of tiles. That’s it.

Now they’re double sided. These are beautiful tiles.
You’ve got a starting tile, and then you’ve got a special use tile, and then you’ve got your scoring tokens.

Now there’s one more cool thing that’s worth showing you. This is the score tracker. It’s built into the box. It’s just makes it so convenient. And it also makes it feel like you’re getting some value out of having a box that’s much bigger than the components. It’s like it’s it all makes sense, that it’s in this bigger box.


 There’s an icon on some tiles that let you place another tile immediately. There’s another icon that lets you steal a tile from your opponent, and then there’s all this great art on the tiles.

Land vs Sea follows tile laying rules similar to a lot of games. Your tile sides of sea have to touch other side sides, and your lands have to touch other land sides. It’s simple.

You’re usually playing land versus sea; one person’s playing land, trying to assemble the biggest, sets of land masses to score points.
Their opponent is trying to get the biggest sets of sea masses.

It’s mostly a two player game. There’s a three player variant and a 2v2 team variant. They’re three pretty fun.

But this is a dueling game at its heart and it’s really fun as a duel.

Expansions wise, you’ve got some coral and mountains. And caravans and hills. you’ve got some mountains over here.

These serve as little add on expansions that you can play with if you want.
There’s even some dragons, or sea monsters on the tiles.

When it comes down to it, this is a really simple, fun tile laying game that’s easy to pull out and play.

The box says it plays in 40 minutes. I think we’ve had games that have gone up to 40 minutes, but I think it’s usually shorter than that.

Land vs sea by Good Games Publishing is just a wonderful game to have to pull out and if you love tiling games. It’s easy to grab, easy to play, easy to add those expansions in and it’s just great fun. Hey, I love tiling games. If you do two

Land vs Sea is absolutely worth checking out. I love it.

by Lincoln Hoppe (the Game Bard)


I purchased my own copy of Land vs Sea

Publisher: Good Games Publishing



Board Game Geek Page: Land vs Sea

My Board Game Geek Page: Lincoln Hoppe – The Game Bard

Lincoln Hoppe

Lincoln a professional film & Television actor based in Los Angeles, California.

He has a family with 5 kids, and one of his joys in life is playing games together as a family.

He's on a mission to spread the love and mental health benefits of play and board gaming to the world.

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